From the Desk of David Semanco, VAAP Board President

Dear VAAP Members,

On behalf of the Virginia Association of Addiction Professionals (VAAP), I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all who attended and participated in the 2024 Virginia Summer Institute for Addiction Studies (VSIAS). The event was a tremendous success, and it would not have been possible without the dedication and enthusiasm of both our exhibitors and attendees. Read on in the newsletter for the highlights from the training.

We were incredibly proud to be the conference sponsor and to have the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing education and awareness around substance use and related disorders. Your commitment to this field is truly inspiring, and your participation makes events like VSIAS so impactful.

We are excited to announce that planning for VSIAS 2025 is already underway, and we look forward to sharing more information with you soon. Next year’s conference will take place at a new location (Williamsburg Lodge), offering fresh opportunities and experiences for all attendees. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to work on making VSIAS 2025 even better.

In the meantime, we will resume our usual monthly Jobs/Events and Trainings newsletter in September, providing you with the latest information and opportunities in our field.

Thank you once again for your dedication and support. Together, we are making a difference.

Warm regards,

David Semanco
VAAP Board of Directors President

Photo: VAAP Board President David Semanco (center) with 2024 VSIAS Chair Robert Taylor (right) and 2025 VSIAS Chair Monique Runge (left).

2024 Virginia Summer Institute of Addiction Studies

The 2024 VSIAS kicked off on Sunday, July 21st and ended on Wednesday, July 24th. VSIAS hosted 300 addiction professionals, 40 organizations in the exhibitor hall, and 32 presenters at the Williamsburg Woodlands Hotel and Suites. Attendees left with up to 23 continuing education credits and, most importantly, armed with valuable information, contacts, and a renewed sense of purpose. Thank you to all for attending and making our communities healthier, more compassionate places to live and work!

The Continuing Education Sessions

The 2024 Virginia Summer Institute for Addiction Studies (VSIAS) was a dynamic and inspiring event, bringing together professionals from across the state for an unparalleled learning and networking experience. This year’s theme, “Facing Challenges – Finding Solutions,” set the stage for a series of engaging sessions that addressed the most pressing issues in the field of addiction studies.

Our speakers, who are experts in their respective areas, delivered powerful presentations that explored innovative approaches and evidence-based practices. Attendees were immersed in a variety of topics, from cutting-edge research and therapeutic techniques to policy discussions and community-based interventions.Each session was designed to provide practical insights and strategies that professionals could apply in their own work to support individuals with substance use disorders.The event also offered invaluable opportunities for networking and collaboration. Participants connected with peers, shared experiences, and built relationships that will foster continued growth and support within the addiction treatment community. The exchange of ideas and resources underscored the collective commitment to overcoming challenges and finding solutions to improve the lives of those affected by addiction.

“The VSIAS conference gave me so many new techniques that I can use with my clients to help them on their individual recovery journeys.”
VSIAS 2024 Attendee

The Exhibit Hall

The exhibit hall at the 2024 VSIAS was a hub of activity and engagement, featuring 40 exhibitors dedicated to advancing the field of addiction treatment and support. The hall was bustling with energy as attendees explored the latest innovations, resources, and services offered by leading recovery organizations.

Exhibitors showcased a wide range of products and programs designed to enhance the work of addiction professionals. From cutting-edge treatment technologies and therapeutic tools to educational materials and community support services, the exhibit hall provided invaluable opportunities for discovery and connection.

Attendees had the chance to network with exhibitors, learn about new developments in the field, and explore potential collaborations that could enhance their practice and support their clients. The exhibit hall truly embodied the spirit of VSIAS, fostering an environment of shared knowledge and mutual support in the pursuit of effective solutions for those affected by addiction.

We were thrilled to be part of such a wonderful conference! The new layout this year was fantastic, and the flow of the event was seamless. Avenues made essential connections that we look forward to nurturing.
Kelley Eason, CPRS
Avenues Recovery
The 2024 VSIAS conference was one of the best networking events of the year. The wealth of knowledge, excitement, and expertise shared was incredibly beneficial for our organization. SaVida Health was honored to support this event.
Jason Pritchard,CPRS/RPRS TN/VA i-FPRS/VA Health
SaVida Health

Awards and More

The 2024 Ron Pritchard Visionary Leadership Award was presented to Sheriff Karl Leonard. Sheriff Leonard oversees Chesterfield County’s Sheriff’s office which is one of the largest in Virginia. He leads the innovative HARP (Heroin Addiction Recovery Program), a rigorous recovery initiative that addresses addiction through a trauma-based approach. HARP focuses on changing the behavior of individuals struggling with addiction by using tools such as trauma tapping, the Bridge device, and yoga. The program offers a myriad of therapeutic, medical, and educational approaches, providing participants with tools for their recovery journey.

Sheriff Leonard began his law enforcement career in 1982 and has held various significant positions, culminating in his appointment as Sheriff in 2014. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Buffalo State University and a master’s degree from Virginia Commonwealth University. Sheriff Leonard resides in Chesterfield, Virginia, with his wife Karen and their five daughters.

Sheriff Karl Leonard is a trailblazer in law enforcement. His innovative HARP program has given countless individuals a second chance. His leadership and dedication to community service is an inspiration.
Jessica Swan
VAAP President-Elect

The VAAP Board of Directors met on Sunday for their monthly meeting.

(Left to right: David Semanco, VAAP President; Wiletta Wilson, Membership Chair; Jessica Swan, President-Elect; Nee Alison, Delegate at large; Chris Coleman, Education Chair; Chuck Wilcox, Northern Region Vice President. Not shown: Craig James, Secretary; Christine Chow, Treasurer; Bob Taylor, Nomination and Awards Chair.)

The Master Facilitators

We extend our deepest gratitude to our Master Facilitators for their invaluable contributions to the success of the 2024 Virginia Summer Institute for Addiction Studies. Their dedication and hard work ensured that every aspect of the conference ran smoothly, providing an enriching experience for all attendees. For those interested in making a significant impact and gaining exclusive benefits, we encourage you to consider applying for the role of Master Facilitator for VSIAS 2025. This unique opportunity offers full registration, lodging, meals, Continuing Education hours, and the chance to network with leading addiction treatment professionals.

Welcome New VAAP Members!

We are thrilled to welcome our newest VAAP members, who joined us in July. Your decision to become part of the VAAP community underscores your commitment to advancing the field of addiction treatment and support. We look forward to your active participation and contributions as we continue to work together towards our shared goals. Please join us in welcoming our new members:

Trudy Ann Grace, Toano
Lisa Harrell, Newport News
Sharon Hardy, Chesapeake
April Hutchison, Chesterfield
Makita Lewis, Midlothian
Sheree Taylor, Hampton
Shiva Moshrefi, Round Hill
Colleen Gleason, Farmville
Kimberly Courtney, Midlothian
Monica Robinson, North Chesterfield
Rodney Freman, Hampton
Omotomilola Jegede, Norfolk
Cassandra Kelly-Conn, Newport News
Lauren Baxter, Vienna

September is National Recovery Month!

Visit our National Recovery Month Page to learn about important events!